Oct 30, 2009

Gettin' Right n Tight

As a part of my modeling career I work out at least 5 times a week. Usually I would just go running or biking and come home and do some crunches. I am what they would call a "curvy" model. To be honest I'd just call it baby got back LMAO. Anyways I am more than proud of my curves and do not have any body issues or anything like that. I actually kinda like my body =) 
Butttt... I wouldn't at all mind being a little smaller in the core area and getting everything what my cousin 
would call it "right n tight" lol. Sooo about 4 months ago my cousin, mom and I started on our chubby 
buddy mission. LOL For the last 4 months we have worked out EVERYDAY. We go to the gym everyday 
and 3 times out of the week we take a class.

Monday- zumba 
This consist of belly dancing, salsa, and a tad bit of hip hop. ***Love love love this class.
Tuesday- SET
This is a lot of step and weights (not my favorite) lol
Wednesday- HIP HOP
Im sure you all know what hip hop is and this is my FAVE FAVE FAVE =D

All 3 of these classes get my heart rate up and give me GREAT cardio. The rest of the week we
do regular things people do when working out at the gym. My mom isn't as fond of the gym as
my cousin and I so recently we started taking these Billy Blanks TAE BO classes...
I WILL NOT lie to you guys... These absolutely kick my ass!! LMAO. Even though I was
getting a really good cardio work out at the gym with all those classes I have seen tons of muscle gain with 
the TAE BO and I seem to be slowly reaching my goal of gettin "right n tight". =D


  1. Luv the Blog! Your body looks great as well, excellent workout program you have going on.

  2. love the first outfit, very sexy

    come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think

