"If you purchase his album, you are SUPPORTING domestic violence. BOYCOTT CHRIS BROWN!"
How ridiculous is that?? My question to all you Chris Brown "Boycotters" is, What does his music have to do with Rihanna and the situation they are in? Does the fact the he made a terrible decision change the sound of his music? lol. Personally I think that his music and his personal life should be looked at SEPARATE. How is buying his MUSIC supporting his mistakes lol. Since I listen to Chris Brown daily does this make me a daily domestic violence supporter? I think not!! I was a fan before Rihanna and will remain a fan. It sucks that so many people are actually thinking the way that the person who said that was thinking. Crazy crazy crazy!!
iSupport Chris Brown!! hehe
Thanks for following! Just returned the favor! I'm anxious to here the album! I'm still a lil uneasy about supporting him but I also believe everyone deserves a second chance!