Oct 30, 2009

Gettin' Right n Tight

As a part of my modeling career I work out at least 5 times a week. Usually I would just go running or biking and come home and do some crunches. I am what they would call a "curvy" model. To be honest I'd just call it baby got back LMAO. Anyways I am more than proud of my curves and do not have any body issues or anything like that. I actually kinda like my body =) 
Butttt... I wouldn't at all mind being a little smaller in the core area and getting everything what my cousin 
would call it "right n tight" lol. Sooo about 4 months ago my cousin, mom and I started on our chubby 
buddy mission. LOL For the last 4 months we have worked out EVERYDAY. We go to the gym everyday 
and 3 times out of the week we take a class.

Monday- zumba 
This consist of belly dancing, salsa, and a tad bit of hip hop. ***Love love love this class.
Tuesday- SET
This is a lot of step and weights (not my favorite) lol
Wednesday- HIP HOP
Im sure you all know what hip hop is and this is my FAVE FAVE FAVE =D

All 3 of these classes get my heart rate up and give me GREAT cardio. The rest of the week we
do regular things people do when working out at the gym. My mom isn't as fond of the gym as
my cousin and I so recently we started taking these Billy Blanks TAE BO classes...
I WILL NOT lie to you guys... These absolutely kick my ass!! LMAO. Even though I was
getting a really good cardio work out at the gym with all those classes I have seen tons of muscle gain with 
the TAE BO and I seem to be slowly reaching my goal of gettin "right n tight". =D

Oct 29, 2009


So Chris Brown finally announced that his new album Graffiti will be released December 15, 2009. Now I will admit that I am what people may call "over obsessed" with Chris Brown. I like to call it a super fan lol. Anyways I CAN NOT wait till this album is out. I will with out a doubt be in the stores the day it comes out picking it up! Being a CB fan I was reading other blogs seeing what other people had to say about the new release quite some time after the whole Rihanna ordeal. This is what I found... =( 

"If you purchase his album, you are SUPPORTING domestic violence.BOYCOTT CHRIS BROWN!"

How ridiculous is that?? My question to all you Chris Brown "Boycotters" is, What does his music have to do with Rihanna and the situation they are in? Does the fact the he made a terrible decision change the sound of his music? lol. Personally I think that his music and his personal life should be looked at SEPARATE. How is buying his MUSIC supporting his mistakes lol. Since I listen to Chris Brown daily does this make me a daily domestic violence supporter? I think not!! I was a fan before Rihanna and will remain a fan. It sucks that so many people are actually thinking the way that the person who said that was thinking. Crazy crazy crazy!! 

iSupport Chris Brown!! hehe

Oct 28, 2009

Michael Jackson - This Is It

So Michael Jackson- This is it is finally out in theaters TODAY, but only for two weeks!! When I heard they were actually doing this movie I was stoked! This last weekend I saw Step Father at the movies and I saw the previews for it, I got goose bumps just watching the preview and I cant wait to actually see it!! What drives me nuts is that there is a good chance the tickets will be sold out. If they were to do this when MJ was living do you think tickets for this movie would be that high in demand? There are people out there (including myself) who have always been HUGE Michael fans! But now that he has passed (R.I.P) people have become "diehard Jackson fans" ??? Hopefully people go into the theaters and come out TRUE Michael Jackson fans for all the right reasons!  I personally am counting down the hours until I see it! 

First official blogspot blog :D

So I was told by several people to make a Blogspot. So0... I finally gave in and here I am :D I guess I will soon see what this "blogspot" is all about LOL. Hey... maybe I'll get addicted who knows. So for now, I will update as much as possible. Until then lets see if I cant get some of you guys to follow. ;) 
