Feb 28, 2010

Bla Bla Bla- so random!

Sooo. I think I'm back =D
I've been feeling pretty good lately, with the exception of a few things, but hey I'm not perfect! I've been on track with so much. I hate to talk about. To talk about how much better I'm doing. I think I will ginx it and shit will start to fall apart! =X But it feels good to be slowly getting back to ME!

I had the best date last night =) Cheese cake factory is goood lol. Pasta over candel lights!! ahh so cute! =) We got all dressed up and the waitress said "You guys are such a good looking couple" Sorry to say but i love to hear that =) I love him!

Me and my mom have always been so close. But recently we have been really really close! It makes me feel so good. I went out of town recently and I cried when I got on the bus to leave her lol.

School... im hangin in there =/

Moving is a pain but it is surprisingly relaxing. Being in an empty/new place the last couple days! It feels... good? lol

I just cant wait until this journey of mine moves along! I just want everything to be like the old days. So happy, calm, stress free, just... fun!

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